Social issues are complex. Finding simple, practical solutions is possible even within
the milieu of multi‐stakeholders. Mining companies, local communities, government
and non‐government organizations can reach a middle ground. Ultimately the goal is
to achieve sustainable development that provides balanced benefits for all
The approach includes:
- Establish credibility on all sides
- Build and maintain trust
- Listen
- Synthesize
- Achieve a middle ground
- Ongoing collaboration into the future
The guiding principles and standards applied include:
- ICMM – International Council on Mining & Metals
- e3 Plus: Framework for Responsible Exploration
- Global Reporting Initiative
- Equator Principles
- Voluntary Principles for Security and Human Rights for extractive industry
- United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework by John Ruggie